Kaleb – Jeremy Clarkson’s Farm
For those of you who have not been blessed with opportunity to meet the ‘inspired’ twenty-one-year-old Kaleb, co-star to Jeremy who out classes James May and Richard Hammond you are in for a treat if you do. This is not a plug for Amazon Prime but a plea to recognise ‘strengths’ and ‘dreams’ in young […]
Employee Engagement
Steve Radcliffe identified a scale of a person’s engagement. We have shown it in cartoon format. It will help you identify where a person is so that you can coach them up a level. We see this being used in ‘one to one’ conversations and when asking a team member where they think they are […]
Develop your People’s Strengths to increase Employee Engagement
According to research by Gallup (Tom Rath, 2009) where leadership fails to focus on an individual’s strengths, employee engagement is only 9% whereas when they focus on identifying and developing strengths it is a whopping 73%!
Teal Organisation
Frederic Laloux has created a model for stages of organisational development using colours based on the human’s neurological and consciousness development (similar to the Values Levels that we teach on NLP Master Practitioner). The latest to emerge is Teal.